A bee on the go

Wandering through the world…

Final Gap Year Post

And there we have it, an entire year filled with travels, incredible memories, forever friendships and a passport fat with stamps.

I am currently in the plane, an hour away from touchdown writing this after completing the final three posts for this year; I am promptly reflective on my experiences. I read my first posts again and am glad to report that I believe they have gotten better and so has my photography.

So much has happened. I remember in October of last year thinking how I would almost like the year to be over to know what was to come for me, to be able to reflect on what I learned traveling and consider which life lessons I would want to take with me. Well, the time has flown by and here I am. Three hours away from meeting my fellow law school students (yes there is an obligatory event later this evening), and hecka tired from the lack of sleep.

Where has the time gone? It has gone by in 18 different countries, 9 active months of travel, 1 ocean crossed, countless bus and plane rides and friends made and foods tried. I have already shared some of my takeaways from this year, but mostly I think I have become a better human; more understanding of others and knowledgeable of the world and of myself.

Thank you to everyone who read these posts, family supporting me back home and friends made across so many different settings. Your love was always felt and I am happily coming back home knowing I will always have people in this world to fly to if I ever get bored of it here!

My plans for the next year are to start law school but also complete a professional sailing and crew training to become a licensed skipper for boats under 200 tons (limited). I passed the theoretical exams during my time aboard Vela. I still don’t know how that will tie itself to my time in school, but I know I’ll find a way. Travels are of course to be a huge part of my future, hopefully with more of you guys as well.

Taking a gap year allowed me to feel excited for school, for academic learning, and was crucial for clarifying my wants for my future self and my current needs to feel complete as a human. I will be updating this blog as trips get planned and places get traveled, it will just be quiet for a while as I adjust into the rhythm of life as a college student.

Thanks for my past self for taking this leap of faith, and best of luck to whichever teen who might read this and take one as well.

This is but a short goodbye, A Bee on the Go ❤️🐝